Some writers work in a vacuum, and that works all right for
them. But for the vast majority of serious-minded writers, they realise that
they need advice, help, tips and explanations from outside, whether that’s from
other writers who are struggling along the same path, authors who’ve made it, literary agents and publishers or editing and critique services like Fiction
It’s not always easy to get that advice and it’s certainly
hard to find advice that’s free, or nearly. That’s why I’d always advocate going
to events that offer up professionals as speakers on subjects we all find
fascinating: how to find an agent or publisher, whether self-publishing is the
way to go, whether or not we should bother with an editor (any regular reader
of my blog will know it costs me to even pose that as a question!), and what
we should do to give our writing the best chance of success.
I attended The Word last month in Preston, and am delighted
to be organising a similar event aimed at would-be novelists, held over a half-day
in November. This is called Write Now, and will take place at Astley Coachhouse
on Astley Park in Chorley, Lancashire on the afternoon of November 15.
Speakers will be: Hannah Sheppard, a London literary agent and long-time fiction editor. Carys
Bray, author of bestselling A Song for
Issey Bradley. Dave Harrison, who is just opening an author services arm to
his publishing business, Open Circle Books. And Kevin Duffy, of Bluemoose
Books, an independent publisher of highly successful fiction based in Hebden
Bridge, West Yorkshire. Four top quality speakers offering their views on how
to get published, and open to questions afterwards. Cost? Just £10. If you’re
interested, pop along to